Ways to Naturally Boost Your Child’s Immune System

Ways to Naturally Boost Your Child’s Immune System

One of our patient’s most common concerns right now is how to naturally boost their child’s immune systems to keep their families healthy and safe against germs. Sometimes colds can be unavoidable, but there are healthy habits you can help your child learn to establish, that will take steps towards preventing sickness. It’s important to […]

Recognizing Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder


Sensory Processing Disorder is a chronic condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. While there is no clear cause of SPD, it is regularly linked to other chronic conditions and is often a secondary diagnosis.  For example, SPD is commonly diagnosed alongside conditions like […]

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

4.7 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Children and adolescents spend so much of their time outdoors. That’s why seasonal allergies can be truly disruptive and create a real imbalance in your child’s daily health and wellness.  Because your child’s immune system mistakenly sees allergens (pollen, ragweed, mold, grass, etc.)  as a danger, the body releases antibodies that attack the allergens and […]

5 Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity in Children

5 Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity in Children

Gluten is a kind of protein that is found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley. It is often found in foods that use these ingredients, but it can also be found in medicines, vitamins, and supplements that use small amounts of these ingredients.  Gluten intolerance, also called gluten sensitivity, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or non-celiac […]

4 Ways The Environment Can Impact Your Child’s Health

Environmental Health Effects Pediatrician

A growing body of research in the United States and Western Europe shows the significant effects of the physical environment on children and adolescents’ cognitive and socioemotional development.  Simply speaking, the environment can have a significant impact on your child’s health, overall development, and your family’s sense of wellness. So it’s important to be aware […]

The Benefits of Choosing a Holistic Pediatrician for Your Family

Holistic Pediatrician Thrive Pediatrics

Holistic Healthcare Explained A Holistic Pediatrician abides by the philosophy of the whole child. When we say health care is holistic, we mean it extends far beyond the physical body into mental, emotional, and environmental needs. We respect the child as more than just a patient or a problem to be solved, and believe in […]