A Holistic Approach to Teen Acne Treatment

A Holistic Approach to Teen Acne Treatment

It’s quite unfair that acne seems to “pop up” at the exact time when physical appearance becomes excruciatingly important to your pre-pubescent/adolescent child (particularly in their social-emotional development). Some teenagers manage to coast through adolescence with just a pimple or two, but for about 8 in 10 teenagers, acne becomes part of daily life. To […]

The Benefits of Choosing a Holistic Pediatrician for Your Family

Holistic Pediatrician Thrive Pediatrics

Holistic Healthcare Explained A Holistic Pediatrician abides by the philosophy of the whole child. When we say health care is holistic, we mean it extends far beyond the physical body into mental, emotional, and environmental needs. We respect the child as more than just a patient or a problem to be solved, and believe in […]